Hope in Every New Chapter
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
~ C. S. Lewis ~
There comes a time when we need to move forward, even from things that
have been part of our lives for a long time. It’s not always easy, but holding
on too tightly can keep us from what’s ahead.
Think of a well-loved book. You’ve read its pages again and again, finding
comfort in familiar words, but one day, you realise it’s time for a new story.
The memories of the old one stay with you, but new pages bring fresh lessons,
new characters and different adventures.
Life is like that, too. Whether it’s a routine, a place or a goal we once chased,
sometimes we reach a moment when staying the same is no longer helping
us grow. Moving on doesn’t mean we don’t value what came before, it means
we’re ready for what comes next.
Just as we put down a finished book to start another, we can step forward with
courage, knowing new chapters hold possibilities we’ve yet to discover. The past
will always be part of us, but the future is waiting to be written.
Lord, help me let go of the past and move forward with hope. Lead me on the path
You have planned for me. May every step be filled with Your love and the promise of
new opportunities. Amen.