Happy snaps

The Majellan is about family so please send us in your happy snaps.

The Spring issue included a photo of Margaret Patterson’s (Kempsey, NSW), 80th birthday celebrations and a 1957 family photo. The article mentioned Margaret and her children when in fact she was pictured with her siblings. Apologies to Margaret. So, let’s try again. Margaret (seated) is pictured with (from left to right) Peter, Paul, Colleen, John, Elaine, Michael, Joan, Kevin, Patricia, Carmel, and Marie. All children of Mick and Gladys Flanagan. For the record Margaret has four children and seven grandchildren.

Harry Seuren his wife Joan sent in a photo of them with their grandchildren. Joan says, “We were lucky we could catch up for Harry’s 70th birthday at Easter in Camperdown (Victoria).”

Halle Laneyrie is pictured with Bishop Timothy Harris of Townsville. The photo was sent in by Marian Buchanan of Collinsville in Queensland who’s a long-time subscriber (almost 60 years). She says the photo of her great granddaughter was taken on her “sacramental day.”


Please send in your Happy Snaps to us at: editor@majellan.org.au or PO Box 43 Brighton Victoria 3186