“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

~ Desmond Tutu ~

The International Day of Peace on September 21st reminds us that peace starts with each of us.  It’s a day to think about the

importance of being kind, understanding and united.  Even though global issues can seem overwhelming, this day encourages

us to take small, meaningful actions to bring harmony to our communities.  By showing compassion, listening to others

and choosing to connect rather than divide, we help create a more peaceful world.  Peace isn’t just about large-scale conflicts,

it’s about how we treat those around us each day, through acts of kindness and understanding.  This year, let’s commit

to being peacemakers in our daily lives.  Our collective efforts can create positive change and lead to a more compassionate

and united world.  Peace begins with each of us and today is a great time to start by reflecting on our actions and choices.




Dear Lord,

On this International Day of Peace, fill us with the spirit of love and empathy.  Help us show kindness, listen with open hearts

and bring unity in all we do.  May our actions inspire positive change and create a more compassionate and harmonious world.
