“Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray

~ Proverbs 22:6, NRSV ~

In this time of rapid change, the strength of families has never been more critical. Our world spins with an unprecedented pace, bringing new challenges and opportunities. Amidst this whirlwind, the family stands as a beacon of hope and stability. It is within the family where bonds are nurtured, values are formed, and love is kindled. Family bonding is the art of weaving threads of trust, respect, and mutual understanding into an unbreakable fabric of love. It is this love that imbues us with courage, resilience, and wisdom. It is this love that guides us when the path ahead is uncertain. Our families can be a refuge of peace amidst the storm of change. We can cultivate this peace by spending quality time together, engaging in open conversations, and nurturing shared values. As it is written in Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NRSV), “And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” As we navigate this rapidly changing world, let us remember to draw strength from our families, and in turn, contribute to their strength. Let us remember that sustaining strong family bonds is not merely a duty, but a joy and a blessing. 



Let us pray:

O Divine Creator, bless our families with love and unity. In this time of rapid change, may we find 
strength in our bonds, courage in our shared values, and hope in our collective resilience. 
Guide us to foster peace and understanding within our homes. 
