☘️ Walking Side By Side ☘️


“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do

in return, but because of who you are.”


 ~ Harold S. Kushner ~






No one should have to go through life alone. We find strength in those who

walk beside us – friends, family and even strangers who show us kindness

along the way.



Inspired by St. Patrick’s legacy of bringing people together, we are

reminded to appreciate those who have supported us through life’s ups

and downs. Their support, big or small, has shaped our journey. A thoughtful

word, a good laugh or a helping hand can make a big difference.



When we stand together, hope grows. Life’s burdens feel lighter and the

road ahead becomes clearer. As we celebrate St Patrick’s Day, may we

be grateful for the family and friends in our lives and open our hearts to

sharing kindness with others.






Lord, thank You for the gift of love and friendship. Teach us to be kind,

to lend a hand when needed and to find happiness in giving. May our

hearts always be open to love and grace. Amen.