Pandemic Anger. Are you Coping?

By David Ahern

The current COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for many people. There’s been frustration and uncertainty caused by social distancing, lockdowns and the compulsory wearing of masks in some parts of Australia.

People are stressed because they have not been able to go about their normal day-to-day business and have been barred from seeing their friends and family on a regular basis. Things we used to take for granted, like dinner parties, dining out at restaurants, and going to cafes, have also been seriously impacted.

Some people have accepted the circumstances in which they find themselves while others have become angry and looked for someone to blame. These are normal human emotions and understandable considering the sort of year it’s been.

These emotions can play out in different ways; some are more destructive than others. We’ve seen in the media the anger displayed by a few people who refuse to accept the rules and guidelines set down by governments and health authorities. Their recalcitrant behaviour and refusal to abide by the rules has resulted in big fines and, in some cases, arrests.

Their bad behaviour has played out in supermarkets, in city streets and at airports. We’ve seen some people load their trolleys with numerous toilet paper rolls, angering other customers who see their actions as selfish and uncaring. We’ve seen motorists refuse to cooperate with police and not provide their personal details because they believe their rights and liberties are being threatened. We’ve seen people try to travel interstate illegally because they want to go on holiday, irrespective of the risk they pose to their fellow citizens.

It’s not an easy time for anymore, especially for those who’ve lost their jobs or lost loved ones to this insidious virus. But as our leaders are constantly reminding us: We are in this together.

How are you coping? Why not contact us and let us know if you feel anger about what’s happening during this pandemic or are you relaxed and optimistic that the situation will eventually turnaround.

You can listen to the first three episodes our new family counseling podcast series of Figuring out Families!

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