Prayers for The Dinner Table
Prayers before meals to express thanks as a family.

Sitting together as a family for dinner is one of the most important things you can do daily. Here are some of the best mealtime prayers for families that will bring you closer together and create an environment where love and sharing happens. We have many differnt prayers for you to choose from.
Prayer of Thanks for Blessings
Creator of Heaven and Earth, we give thanks to You for this good food and for all Your blessings.
We are grateful that You bless us abundantly and for all the work of our hands. We thank You that we have no lack. Please bless our dear ones that prepared this meal and bless the kitchen and home in which it was made. Amen.
Prayer to Bless What We Eat and Drink
Father, we thank You that You faithfully provide for all our needs, and we lift up our grateful hearts today and thank You for this meal.
We ask that You bless what we eat and what we drink and take sickness away from us. We thank You for what is placed before us and ask You protect and guide us always. Amen.
Prayer to the Fountain of Love
Dear Lord Fountain of Love, we honour You and bless Your Name. We give You thanks for this healthy and delicious meal, and for each member of our family that is sitting around this table.
Please bless our conversations as we eat together, that we would uplift You and encourage each other. We are grateful that You are our Creator God and that we are Yours. Through you loving Son Jesus. Amen.
Prayer to the Bread of Life
Jesus, Lord of Loving Devotion, we come into Your presence with joy, and gratitude for all the ways You care for us. We thank You for this food and fellowship that we are about to enjoy. And we remember that we do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Your mouth, for You are the Bread of Life. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Abundant Food
Loving Father as we gather for this meal, we thank You for blessing us with abundant food and drink. We thank You that You hear us when we call to You. Thank You for shining Your face on us and filling our hearts with joy. Thank You for the peace we live in. Keep us safe. Lead us, O Lord, to know You better and grow in love as a family. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for our Daily Bread
Lord of Glory, we give You thanksgiving for blessing us with our daily bread. Even the voices of our small children give thanks to You.
Dearest Lord, we are humbled and honoured that You are mindful of us and that You have placed all things under our feet and made us caretakers of Your creation. Amen.
 Prayer of Gratitude for Generous Gifts
As we sit as a family we give thanks to You with all our hearts for Your generous gift of this nourishing food. We find joy as we remember Your wonders and Your miracles. We are grateful for our family and the sharing we enjoy. We thank You for Your tender mercies toward us. You are our King forever and forever, and You strengthen our hearts. Amen.
Prayer for Those Gathered Around the Table
Jesus our Redeemer, receive our thanks for this delicious meal and for the blessing of our family gathered around the table. May we abide in You always, dearest Saviour. May each of us around this table walk with integrity and peace. May we speak from our hearts and do harm to no one. May we honour all we meet in our journeys. Amen.
Prayer to the One Who Joins Us
Ever-Present Lord, as our family gathers around this table for this meal, we remember that Your Presence is here among us. We thank You that You have prepared this table for us and that You feed us with Your Word, and give us the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to the One Who Fills Our Bodies and Souls
O Lord, with Your hand You fill us with all good things – our earthly food which we are preparing to enjoy, along with Your spiritual sustenance for our souls, which is sweeter than honey. We are filled up and satisfied in Your Presence. You arm us with strength and subdue adversity beneath our feet. You give us the desires of our hearts and make our plans succeed. Amen.