Promoting peace in a troubled world
The dignity and sacredness of every person is central to Catholic social teaching. So, on Social Justice Sunday, the Catholic Church reinforces this principle with a statement. This year it is about the ‘promotion of peace and the need for truth in public life’.
The Social Justice Statement for 2024-25 to be observed on Sunday is titled Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World.
Australia’s Catholic bishops say peace is possible if people commit to speaking the truth and redouble efforts to end war. “Words are never enough to make peace – action is required,” said Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
“Words such as those found in this statement can help us understand the current situation and how we might work together to create a world which better matches both human desire and the divine plan.”
The statement examines rising tensions around the world, the nature of truth, the spread of misinformation and disinformation, the arms race, domestic cohesion, the need for dialogue and education for peace.
Bishop Vincent Long, Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service, said: “The violence in Australia and other parts of the world make it all the more urgent that all who believe in Jesus Christ work together with everyone of good will, all who love truth, to show the world that there is a realistic way to peace, a genuine peace built upon speaking truth and building trust”.
The Catholic Church in Australia has a long tradition of commemorating Social Justice Sunday. The Catholic Bishops have issued an annual Social Justice Statement almost every year since 1940. The comments are made on behalf of the entire bishops’ conference.
We are asked to support Social Justice Sunday by making donations to the organisations that support people in need, to help raise awareness about the day and to read the statements made by the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC). These declarations are issued with the desire of provoking thought and action throughout the year.
A copy of the statement and other resources can be found at: Social Justice Statement 2024-25 – Office For Justice, Ecology and Peace (
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