Quiz 24 – Grandparents and elderly

Quiz 24 – Grandparents and elderly

The Bible emphasises the importance of grandparents and the elderley in society.  These messages are still most relevent to us today.  The scriptures have a high view of older folk and gives them a vital role in society and families. There are a few verses about seniors that demonstrate this role and how the young should respect them.  Let’s explore some of these passages.

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1. Peter’s first epistle has instruction for young and old alike.  His instruction for the elders is to tend to the flock of God willingly.   He goes on to say:”… Do not__________ those in your charge,”

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2. Peter’s first epistle has instruction for both the young and old. He tells the younger folk:  “In the same way, you who are younger must accept _________ of the elders…”  What is it that the young should accept of the elders?

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3. Psalm 71 talks about growing old and having grey hair.  What does the psalm say we should proclaim to all the generations to come?

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