Quiz 68 – Deuteronomy

Quiz 68 – Deuteronomy –

We commence our exploration of Deuteronomy, whose Hebrew name is “elleh haddebarim” (meaning “These are the words”), derives its English title from a mistranslation meaning “repetition of the law.” This is not entirely inaccurate, as the book reiterates many laws. Attributed mainly to Moses, it contains his final addresses to the Israelites in Moab, preparing them for their entry into Canaan. These speeches emphasize crucial laws needed at that time and are presented more passionately compared to the narratives in Leviticus and Numbers. Deuteronomy marks the conclusion of the Pentateuch, detailing Moses’ final acts and the transition of leadership to Joshua. The narrative framework, including the preamble and conclusion, likely comes from an unknown author. The book acts as a significant interruption in the biblical story, keeping the Israelites in Moab, and setting the stage for Joshua, which recounts the fulfillment of God’s promises to the patriarchs and the mission initiated by Moses, thus connecting the Pentateuch to the Former Prophets.

This edition focuses on the early chapters of Deuteronomy, exploring the laws of Moses and the foundational principles given to the Israelites. Test your knowledge and deepen your understanding of these pivotal scriptures.

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1. This Sunday’s Gospel reading is John 10:11-18. in this Gospel what does Jesus describe Himself as, which emphasizes His protective and sacrificial role for His followers?

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2. According to Deuteronomy 4:5-8, what will other nations say when they hear the statutes and ordinances given to Israel?

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3. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 emphasises the importance of loving God. According to this passage, where should the Israelites keep these words?

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4. According to Deuteronomy 9:4-7, why is the Lord giving the Israelites the land to occupy?

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