Quiz 74 The Book of Ruth –

Quiz 74 The Book of Ruth –

The Book of Ruth is a brief yet powerful story found in the Old Testament, consisting of four chapters. Set during the time of the Judges (1200–1020 BC), it centres on Ruth, a Moabite widow, and her unwavering loyalty to her Israelite mother-in-law, Naomi. After the death of their husbands, Ruth chooses to remain with Naomi, declaring, “Where you go, I will go… your God will be my God” (Ruth 1:16).

The theme of redemption is woven throughout the book, particularly through Boaz, a relative of Naomi, who acts as a kinsman-redeemer. This role is highlighted when Ruth asks Boaz to spread his garment over her, symbolising his protection and responsibility (Ruth 3:9). Boaz ultimately redeems Naomi’s land and marries Ruth, ensuring their future and becoming part of God’s plan to bring forth the lineage of King David and Christ (Ruth 4:17).

Key themes in Ruth include loyalty, faithfulness, and God’s providence, showing that even in difficult times, God’s redemptive plan is at work. This story is not only a tale of love and devotion but also one of divine intervention, making it a remarkable part of Israel’s history.

Test your knowledge 0n this weeks Gospel passage from Mark and learn about Ruth’s connection to King David and her unwavering loyalty. Don’t miss the “Deeper Dive into the Passage” for insightful interpretations and modern-day applications.

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1. This week’s gospel is Mark 8:27-35 where he poses the question, Who do people say that I am?”   He went on to teach them of what was to happen to him.
What did Jesus say must happen to the Son of Man?

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2. Boaz is a key figure in the Book of Ruth, and his role is crucial to the story’s themes of redemption and divine providence. He is described as a wealthy and influential landowner in Bethlehem.  What is the significance of Boaz in Ruth’s life?

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3. Naomi was Ruth’s widowed mother in law.  How does Ruth demonstrate her loyalty to Naomi?

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4. Ruth is linked to Jesus’s lineage theough King David.  What is the relationship between Ruth and King David

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