Weekly Quiz

Results of Bible Quiz survey

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who took the time to respond to our recent survey about our weekly Bible quiz. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and will help us improve and enhance our quiz.

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to provide a fun and engaging experience for everyone.



Here are the results for each question.

Q1. We have recently started from the first book of the Bible and are working through each book. Should we continue that?          

               Yes:  89%                        No: 11%                          


Q2. In the past, we have selected a theme such as ‘Mothers’ and created questions on Bible verses about that theme. Should we continue this approach?

Strongly Agree: 24%       Agree:  71%               Disagree: 5%                Strongly Disagree:  0



Q3. We should focus on the New Testament only.                       

Strongly Agree 34%      Agree:55%                  Disagree: 11%              Strongly Disagree:  0


Comments received:

“I love your quizzes. I read the Bible from cover to cover twice several decades ago, but I remember some parts less well than others. Your quizzes are a wonderful way to check which parts I do not remember well. I am happy with anything that continues with that. Personally, I am particularly keen on ecumenism and Inter-Faith relations, so anything in those directions would particularly appeal.”


“No particular suggestions. I love doing the quiz and NO I am not elderly. I think it’s fun! Personally I’d like to see it more often, and a bit longer. Thanks!”


“I have often found the readings of the Old Testament not easy to interoperate and get much more out of reading the New Testament.”


“Happy with the status quo but maybe something regarding parables and their meaning”


” I find much of the Old Testament difficult to relate to.”


“Themes are good. Suggest at least 5 questions”


“More on keeping our faith”


“I enjoy the quiz. Would love a series of quiz questions that I could use at our annual Christmas luncheon , questions suitable for a mix of participants”


“Include questions about children and for children eg story of Obedience”


“Great just as they are. Also love the artwork.”


“All good so far, don’t stop”


“I am happy with them”


“Living the Gospel, Family, Husband and wife”


“The commandments, The sacraments, The Mass, The rosary”


“Love the quiz”


“The quiz’s are very good. With regard to the questions on mothers could fathers be included too. These quizes help me to refer to the bible more often.”


“just keep the format as is!”


“St. Paul’s itinerary including people and places” .


“I love your quizzes. I read the Bible from cover to cover twice several decades ago, but I remember some parts less well than others. Your quizzes are a wonderful way to check which parts I do not remember well. I am happy with anything that continues with that. Personally, I am particularly keen on ecumenism and Inter-Faith relations, so anything in those directions would particularly appeal.”