Scripture Quiz 3

Scripture Quiz 3

Our third instalment of our weekly quiz.  Last week’s results were:

63%: all 3 questions correct
30%: 2 questions correct
7%: 1 or none correct.

Leave us a comment about how you are finding the quiz. We’d love to hear from you.


Check the spelling to ensure you get credited as answering correctly

1 / 3

1. What was John the Baptist father’s name?

2 / 3

2. Who did Jesus heal in Simon Peter’s house?

3 / 3

3. By what name was Paul of Tarsus known before his conversion?

Your score is

The average score is 67%

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4 thoughts on “Scripture Quiz 3”

  1. I have been excited to do your Scripture Quiz for the past three weeks. With humility, because I have been a catechist in State schools for several decades, I have been pleased to get all three correct over the past three weeks. Thank you and God bless you all at Majellan for the wonderful work you do to enhance our faith.

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