Spotlight on elder abuse

A $5 million education campaign to highlight elder abuse in Australia has been launched. The campaign coincides with the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly which will be held on Sunday. The theme is Do not cast me off in my old age.

“On this Fourth World Day devoted to them, let us show our tender love for the grandparents and the elderly members of our families,” said Pope Francis. “Let us spend time with those who are disheartened and no longer hope in the possibility of a different future.”


Meanwhile, the federal government campaign is urging older people to “open up” about the poor treatment they receive, including from their children and grandchildren. The advertisements which began at the weekend will run on television, online and at medical clinics.


A 2021 government survey (National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study) found about one in six older Australians were abused, exploited, neglected or financially coerced but about two-thirds of them did not seek help. However, the research did not include people with cognitive decline or those in residential aged care.


The advertisement states, “Ending the abuse of older people begins with a conversation. If something doesn’t feel right, speak to someone you trust.” Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald has asked the retirement sector to introduce a national strategy to counter abuse.


The Vatican said the theme for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was “meant to call attention to the fact that, sadly, loneliness is the bitter lot in life of many elderly persons, so often the victims of the throwaway culture.”



“By cherishing the charisms of grandparents and the elderly, and the contribution they make to the life of the Church, the World Day seeks to support the efforts of every ecclesial community to forge bonds between the generations and to combat loneliness,” according to the Vatican.


The first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was celebrated in 2021. Pope Francis said it should be observed each year on the Sunday closest to the feast of Jesus’ grandparents, saints Joachim and Anne.


The pope’s message about the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly can be found at: (Pope Francis’ message is available on the Vatican News website)


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