A tale of love and suffering  – Palm Sunday

When we know something good or bad is about to happen, we like to be prepared. We may even sacrifice something to make way for what’s to come.

Today’s gospel tells us the time has come, and that time leads us as Christ’s disciples closer to our destination. Jesus himself proclaims that “Now the hour has come for the son of man to be glorified.” Jesus, the Lord, was about to be arrested, punished and killed, yet he spoke about His glory. He gave His own life so that we can follow Him to eternal life, our destination.

Jesus teaches: “Unless a grain of wheat dies it remains a single grain, but if it dies it yields a rich harvest.”  He offered His life in order to restore our broken relationship with God and with one another. His suffering, death and resurrection would restore life to all creation. He promised that he leads all who believe in Him to eternal life.

The proclamation “the hour has come …” reaches out to everyone. The presence of some Greeks in today’s gospel who want to meet Jesus shows us that the glorification of Jesus Christ – through His suffering, death, resurrection and ascension – is available to the whole world, to everyone.

Unfortunately, not everyone wants to listen to Jesus’ proclamation and to follow Him. But Jesus never stops inviting us to take this journey. He wants us to be where He is. He asks us to be ready to endure as he did. We too must be ready to suffer and to die, just as a grain of wheat dies in order to yield a rich harvest.

Being true disciples of Jesus, we are invited to “die or sacrifice or let things go” for the sake of justice, and truth and what is right and good; to say no to exploitation and abuse; to be open and transparent in our dealings with each other; welcoming and loving others as they are; and caring for our “common home”.

This “daily death of a grain” might weaken us physically, but it strengthens us spiritually. As we continue our journey with Christ in this Lenten season, Jesus’ suffering and death must be ours too. Lent is a time to prepare to celebrate the Glory of God manifest in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. It reminds us of His promise of eternal life for which we hope.

Like the Greeks in today’s gospel, may our desire to meet the Lord keep burning in our hearts, no matter what our life situation. As we continue on the journey to seek God’s Glory and eternal life, let us allow the Lord to empower us with the Holy Spirit, mindful that only in Jesus can we find the fulness of life and true joy.

God bless us and our world.

Redempt Jawa CSsR

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