To pray is to live

Majellan Media has launched a new podcast series on prayer titled Prayer is Life which coincides with the start of a Year of Prayer announced by Pope Francis.


Prayer is Life is aimed at giving listeners a better understanding about prayer and what prayer can do for them. Topics include new ways of praying; simplifying prayer; how God presents to us in our daily lives; the challenges of praying; God’s need for our love; how do we know if we are praying properly and tips on how individuals and families can be more fully engaged in prayer.


The podcasts is led by Redemptorist priest David Hore CSsR who says there is no one way to pray. “People tend to over complicate what should be quite simple. Praying is about building a relationship with God,” he said.


“It’s a conversation with God that can take place anywhere and at any time. A prayer can last a few seconds while walking along a street, sitting in a park, gazing at a waterfall or soaking in a beautiful sunset.


“Prayer is also about listening and importantly how we listen to God?”

Fr Hore said a person’s life and prayer can’t be separated. “Prayer becomes the ‘workshop of life’. In this sense work and prayer are intertwined; to work is to pray and vice versa.”


Meanwhile, Pope Francis says the Year of Prayer will lead into the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year and will be “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world”.


“Dear brothers and sisters, the coming months will lead us to the opening of the Holy Door, with which we will begin the jubilee,” Pope Francis says. “I ask you to intensify your prayer to prepare us to live this event of grace well and to experience the power of God’s hope.”


The 2025 Jubilee Year will begin on Christmas Eve this year and concludes on January 6, 2026.


About David Hore CSsR

David Hore, CSsR, is an Australian Redemptorist Missionary priest, who made his profession of vows in 1998, and was ordained in 2004.

Following his ordination, David was involved in itinerant preaching and faith formation over four years, with his confrere and mentor, John Martin, CSsR, in the Dioceses of Geraldton, Port Pirie, Townsville and Cairns.


In 2011, David was sent on mission to Sri Lanka, where he ministered in the large Redemptorist parish of St Theresa’s in Colombo; while also preaching retreats to clergy and Religious, and conducting simple faith education programs for people. While working in the parish, David was also available as a confessor and counsellor.

David returned to Australia in mid 2023


For details and to listen to Prayer is Life,  click here or listen on  Spotify as well as Apple and other podcast outlets.  


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