by John Ojeda | Jun 13, 2022 |Laudato Si’ Movement


Our volunteers pave the way for taking care of our common home. Image source: Cathopic

Laudato Si’ Movement has an ambitious mission: seeking to engage millions of Catholics and non-Catholics in the world to work together for the care of our common home. Although the task is challenging, Laudato Si’ Movement has managed to spread its message globally through a structure that collectively captures the motivation of an active Catholic community in caring for the creation and the importance of climate justice. 

However, great causes need many people and resources to be successful. The good news is that there are plenty of amazing, talented, and committed people who want to become volunteers and contribute to our mission.

In this context, Laudato Si’ Movement relies on the help of volunteers who serve as spiritual and theological consultants. They have contributed to the movement with their great knowledge of spiritual and theological matters and have reflected it in inspiring texts and stories related to the Laudato Si’ encyclical, the values of the Laudato Si’ Movement or to the life of Pope Francis.  

Spiritual Consultants

Pedro Jimenez

Pedro Jimenez, from Spain, has a strong background in Biology and Theology. Combining both academic fields, he has been very active and collaborative with Laudato Si’ Movement. He has written about ways to care for creation throughout the year. Look out for Pedro’s upcoming blog regarding Pope Francis’ encyclicals!


María de los Ángeles Casafus

María de los Ángeles Casafus, from Colombia, has been very contributive with her knowledge on Theology and Humanities. She is a member of the synodality working group and is helping create a more strategic approach to our Laudato Si’ Movement synodal process. Recently, she wrote about Season of Creation and contributed to our Laudato Si’ Encounter with a reflection on waste.

Daniel Castellanos

Daniel Castellanos collaborates with Laudato Si’ Movement as a Spiritual Consultant. He is from Mexico, but he currently lives in Brazil, where he is deepening his knowledge in philosophy and theology. He is a member of the synodality working group and has been giving valuable input for us to develop our synodal process. Recently, Laudato Si’ Movement published his story about caring for God’s creation.

Joyce Calagos

Joyce Calagos lives in San Francisco, USA. She is really passionate about caring for our home, showing her intention to collaborate with Laudato Si’ Movement as a Spiritual Consultant since the beginning. She enthusiastically shares Laudato Si’ Movement’s initiatives with her contacts and groups where she participates. She has written a story on Laudato Si’ Movement’s values, which will be shared in an upcoming blog.

Ana Carolina Gutiérrez

Ana Carolina Gutiérrez collaborates with Laudato Si’ Movement as a Spiritual Consultant. She is from Colombia, but she currently lives in Italy. She has consistently shown a great motivation to share her thoughts and ideas related to the care of our common home. Recently, she wrote about why Catholics care about climate change. Be on the lookout for Ana Carolina’s upcoming blog about one of LSM’s fundamental values: grounded in faith.

Deacon Clayton A. Nickel


Deacon Clayton A. Nickel lives in the USA and serves in the Archdiocese of Washington. Currently, he is part of Laudato Si’ Movement as a Spiritual Consultant. Additionally, he has contributed to Laudato Si’ Movement’s Prayer Book with a prayer for families, our Laudato Si’ Encounter, and is engaged in the Laudato Si’ Animators’ North America eco-spirituality group. 

Theological Consultants

Christopher Rice

Christopher Rice is from the USA, and with his wisdom in philosophy he collaborates with Laudato Si’ Movement as a Theological Consultant. See what Christopher has to say about hope and generosity in our Laudato Si’ Encounter.

Patrick Laorden


Patrick Laorden lives in the USA and as Theological Consultant, he has contributed with his knowledge in Pastoral Studies, writing about social encyclicals.


Marie Cooke

Marie Cooke lives in the UK and has an admirable theological background. In this regard, she has contributed to Laudato Si’ Movement as a Theological Spiritual Consultant and has contributed to our Laudato Si’ Encounter with a reflection on chaos in our lives. Look out for Marie’s theological reflectiion on LSM values coming soon to a blog near you!


Dawn M. Nothwehr

Dawn M. Nothwehr lives in the USA and has an admirable theological background due to her work in the Catholic Theological Union and as a Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics . She has contributed to Laudato Si’ Movement as a Theological Consultant, and shared her ecological conversion story in our Laudato Si’ Encounter

Richard Woods

Richard Woods lives in the USA and is professor of Theology at the Dominican University. He has contributed to Laudato Si’ Movement as a Theological Consultant, and has written a piece in our Laudato Si’ Encounter regarding hope and hearing creation’s song. 


Ready to join the Team? Volunteer with Laudato Si’ Movement
