
Supporting Your Autistic Child

The cause of autism is unknown but likely multifactorial. Both genetics and the environment are thought to play a role. Boys are four times as likely to be diagnosed as girls.

There is no blood test or brain scan that can diagnose ASD; rather, it is done by studying an individualโ€™s developmental history, observing their communication skills and social interactions, psychometric testing, and examining for neurological deficits.

Supporting Your Autistic Child

Nature’s Revenge

Pope Francis has been one of the most prominent voicesย internationallyย warning about theย โ€˜catastrophicโ€™ย dangers of climate change in his 2015 encyclicalย Laudato Siโ€™.

Yet some people are annoyed with Pope Francis because of his constant advocacy for urgent action on climate change.ย But Francis insists climate change involves crucial moral issues, threatening theย life support systems of the entire planet.ย 

Nature’s Revenge

Gerald Bain-King, School principal speaking about families and school

In this Figuring Out Families podcast we talk to Gerald Bain-King, whoโ€™s about to retire after many years as a principal and vice-principal in the Catholic school system. Geraldโ€™s time in education has given him tremendous insights into the types of issues that affect families. In this podcast he gives advice on how parents can

Gerald Bain-King, School principal speaking about families and school Read More ยป

Gerald Bain-King, School principal speaking about families and school

In this Figuring Out Families podcast we talk to Gerald Bain-King, whoโ€™s about to retire after many years as a principal and vice-principal in the Catholic school system. Geraldโ€™s time in education has given him tremendous insights into the types of issues that affect families. In this podcast he gives advice on how parents can

Gerald Bain-King, School principal speaking about families and school Read More ยป

Spinal gap

On a sunny morning in July 2017, Gold Coast Titans NRL player Chris McQueen nervously lay waiting on a hospital gurney. Having swapped his bright blue jersey for a white hospital gown, he watched as the anaesthetist wiped his arm with an alcohol swab and winced as the needle of the intravenous cannula pierced his skin.

Spinal gap