Quiz 72 – Book of Judges cont.

Quiz 72 – Book of Judges cont.

Test your knowledge of the Bible with our challenging quiz on Judges chapters 7 to 14! Dive into the stories of Gideon and Samson and this week’s Gospel from Mark. Then discover the deeper meanings behind these fascinating passages with our “Deeper Dive” section to gain profound insights and modern interpretations of these ancient texts.

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1. In Judges 7, Gideon reduced his army from 32,000 to 300. What unusual method did he use to select his 300 warriors?

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2. In Judges 13, who appeared to Manoah’s wife to announce the birth of Samson?

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3. In Judges 14, what did Samson find inside the carcass of the lion he had killed?

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4. In this week’s Gospel (chapter 7 of Mark) Jesus is being questioned about the behaviour of His disciples by Pharisees. According to Jesus, what defiles a person?

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