
A priest, a deacon and the parish secretary take a shortcut through a vacant lot on their way to a meeting to discuss the upcoming Easter services when they come across an old oil lamp. The priest picks it up and rubs it with his handkerchief. To their amazement, a genie appears in a puff of smoke and offers them all one wish each.


The parish secretary cries out, “I desperately need a holiday. I want to be on an island paradise on a deck chair soaking up the sun’s rays.”


The genie waves his hand and she disappears in a puff of smoke.


The deacon bellows, “I want to be at the Vatican, marvelling at all the artwork in the Sistine Chapel and never have to go to another meeting as long as I live.”


He too disappears in a puff of smoke.


Scowling, the parish priest glares at the genie, “I want those two back in time for the meeting in 10 minutes.”



Happy Easter!


What’s stranger than a rabbit that delivers Easter eggs? A spelling bee.


What do you call a dancing chick? Poultry in motion.


What kind of hotel rooms do chocolate bunnies reserve? Sweets.


What do you call an Easter Bunny wearing a kilt? Hopscotch.


What did one Easter egg say to the other? “Know any good yokes?”


Why can’t a rabbit’s nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.


Where does the Easter Bunny live? Nobunny knows.



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