Sunday reflections

Planting the seeds of love – Gospel reflection

Most things start small. Someone asks you to be part of a group and a few years later, on reflection, it turns out to have played a significant part in your life. You just kept turning up and something grew there almost unawares. Then, at a particular point, you may have come to understand God was present there and had been all along.

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Being vulnerable before God – Gospel Reflection

When people hear the word ‘myth’, they often think ‘fiction’ or ‘untrue’. However, in ancient times, myths – stories rich in symbols, expressions, and characters that were easily recognisable and familiar to audiences – were the primary way for people to ponder and talk about events and experiences that were important to them, but beyond their understanding.

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We are all children of God – Gospel Reflection

The Jesuit spiritual writer, Mark Link, begins his widely read book Experiencing Prayer (1984) with an extract from Eugene Ionesco’s play The Bald Soprano (1950). In the scene, a couple meet and enter dialogue about their lives. They discover that they share much in common – they live in the same city, on the same street, in the same apartment, and they each have a daughter named Alice.

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