
After Mass one Sunday morning the parish priest noticed a young boy staring at a plaque on the wall inside the church. The plaque included names and flags.


“Father,” asked the boy. “What’s all this about?”


The priest replied, “It’s a memorial to all the local men and women who died in the service.”


They stood in silence for a minute. The boy with a concerned look on his face then said, “Did they die at the eight thirty or the ten o’clock Mass?”



How long should a good homily be?


It should be like a woman’s skirt. Long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to keep you interested.



Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet on Thursday at 7 pm. Please use the back door.


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Past Collections

Jokes 4/09

Jokes A Catholic doctor, known for his successful treatment of the infirmed, had a waiting room full of people one Monday morning. One of the

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Jokes 28/08

Jokes A businessman finds himself in serious financial trouble. His business has gone under, so he decides to ask God for help. He begins to

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Jokes 21/08

Jokes Emma hadn’t been to church for a few weeks because of poor health so the local parish priest decided to visit her. The eighty-five-year-old

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