
In response to some recent comments that immigrants and refugees in an American town were eating peoples’ pets, we thought we would dedicate the jokes this week to our beloved dogs and cats.


Why didn’t the dog want to play football?
It was a Boxer.


Why did the Dachshund want to sit in the shade?
Because it was a hot dog.


When you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle, and a rooster, what do you get?
A cockerpoodledoo!


When a dog has a fever, what should you feed him?
Mustard—it’s the best thing for hot dogs.


What did the hungry dalmatian say after his meal?
“That hit the spots!”


What do you do if your dog chews a dictionary?
Take the words out of his mouth.


How can you tell if you have a lazy dog?
He only chases parked cars.


Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool?
She had mittens.


How many cats can you put into an empty box?
Only one. After that, the box isn’t empty.


What does the lion say to his friends before they go out hunting for food?
“Let us prey.”


Why was the cat so small?
Because it only ate condensed milk!


Why are cats good at video games?
Because they have nine lives!



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