
To commemorate World Teachers’ Day here are some teacher jokes …


Teacher: What did you do at the weekend?

Student: I did some cooking.

Teacher: Lovely, what did you bake?

Student: Synonym rolls just like grammar used to make!


Maths teachers…

Why was the geometry book so adorable?

Because it had acute angles.


How do you comfort a grammar teacher?

Say… “They’re, there, their.”


Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses in the classroom?

Because the class was so bright.


For the Kindergarten teachers…

Which school teachers have the greenest thumbs?

The kinder-garden teachers.


Happens to the best of us…

 What do you call a teacher who forgot to take attendance?



Teacher: If I had 8 oranges in one hand and 10 apples in the other hand, what would I have?

Student: Big hands!


Teacher: We will only have a half-day of school this morning…

Students: Yay!!!!

Teacher: Then we will have the other half this afternoon.


Teacher: What is the most common phrase used in school?

Student: I don’t know!

Teacher: Correct!


Teacher: Why are you late for school?

Student: Because of a sign down the road.

Teacher: What does the sign have to do with you being late?

Student: The sign said, “School Ahead, Go Slow!”


And thank you to Bernadette Bates for sending this joke to us …


My wife accompanied me this morning when I went to the barbers for a haircut.
Reading a magazine in the reception area, she found an interesting article
and asked if she could take the magazine next door to make a photocopy.
“Leave some ID, a driver’s license or a credit card,” the hairdresser said.
“But my Hubby is here getting a haircut,” she explained.
“Yes,M’aam”, he replied. “But I need something that you’ll come back for.”


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