
A couple in a small town want to have children but the wife is having trouble falling pregnant, so they go to see their local parish priest. The priest tells them their timing is spot on as his archbishop has ordered him to Rome for 10 years, and he’s leaving tomorrow.


“As soon as I get there, I’ll light a candle and say a prayer that you will be blessed with children,” he promises.


After 10 years the priest returns to the little town. The first thing he does is visit the couple’s home. The wife opens the door; three little children on her arms, a couple of them hiding under her skirt, and others playing near her. The priest counts as many as ten munchkins!


“This is a pleasant surprise,” exclaims the priest, smiling. “It seems like God listened to my prayer. But where is your dear husband?”


“My husband travelled to Rome,” says the wife with a tired look on her face.


“To Rome? Why on earth would he go to Rome?”


“To blow out that bloody candle you lit!”


On Saturday night, for residents of SA, Vic, NSW, the ACT and Tasmania, Daylight Saving ends …

What time is it when you read jokes about Daylight Saving?
Time to laugh!


What did the wall clock do after it was adjusted for Daylight Saving?
It hung around.


Why do they pick the weekend for Daylight Saving to change?
Because the other days are weak days.


Why did the man sit on his clock after setting it back for Daylight Saving?
He wanted to be on time.


Which relative always chimes in about how Daylight Saving should end?
A Grandfather Clock.


What is the best pet for Daylight Saving?
A watch dog.


My clock was really tense about losing an hour for Daylight Saving … I guess you could say he was all wound up.


One of the best things about Daylight Saving is that the clock in my car will finally be correct again.

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Past Collections

Jokes 3/03

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