
A priest fell in the ocean while fishing, but he couldn’t swim. However, he knew to float on his back so he wouldn’t sink.

When a boat came by, the captain yelled, “Do you need help, sir?”

The priest calmly said, “No, God will save me.”

A little later, another boat came by and a fisherman asked, “Hey, do you need help?”

The priest replied again, “No, I have faith in God. He will save me.”

Eventually the priest could stay afloat no longer and drowned. In heaven and a tad annoyed, the priest asked God, “Why didn’t you save me?”

God replied, “Fool, I sent you two boats. What more did you want!”




Late one night a burglar broke into a house and while he was sneaking around he heard a voice say, “Jesus is watching you.” He looked around and saw nothing. He kept on creeping around the room and again heard, “Jesus is watching you.” In a dark corner, he saw a cage with a parrot inside. The burglar asked the parrot, “Was it you who said Jesus is watching me?”

The parrot replied, “Yes.”

Relieved, the burglar asked, “What is your name?”

The parrot said, “Clarence.”

The burglar said, “That’s a stupid name for a parrot. What idiot named you Clarence?”

The parrot answered, “The same idiot that named the rottweiler Jesus.”




And regular contributor Bernadette Bates has passed this joke on …


The teacher asked little Johnny if he knew his numbers.
“Yes,” he said. “My dad taught me.”
“Good. So, what comes after eight?”
“Nine,” answered little Johnny.
“And what comes after nine?”
“And what comes after ten?”
“The Jack.”


Have a joke to share?  Send it to 


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Have you heard the one about EBook?


“Have You Heard the One About” is a collection of humorous and engaging anecdotes designed to entertain and uplift readers. Key features include a diverse range of jokes and stories that cater to various tastes and age groups, ensuring broad appeal. The book offers benefits such as stress relief through laughter, an easy-to-read format that makes it accessible for quick enjoyment.

Introducing “Have You Heard the One About…”—a delightful collection of jokes from The Majellan Magazine.
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Introducing “Have You Heard the One About…”—a delightful collection of jokes from The Majellan Magazine, celebrating 75 years of laughter!
For decades, the jokes section has been one of the most loved parts of the magazine, bringing smiles to families all over. Now, we’ve gathered the very best jokes from over the years into one digital book, reflecting the changing humour and culture across generations. Whether you’re after a good laugh, a dose of nostalgia, or a fun way to connect with family, this collection is a must-have. Dive in and enjoy the humour that has made Majellan a beloved part of so many lives!

Why Women Need a Husband?​
A woman goes to a psychiatrist and complains: “I don’t want to marry. I am educated, independent, and self-sufficient. I don’t need a husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What do I do?”

The psychiatrist replied: “You undoubtedly will achieve great things in life. But somethings inevitably will not go the way you want. Somethings will go wrong. Sometimes you will fail. Sometimes your plans won’t work. Sometimes your wishes will not be fulfilled … Then who will you blame? Will you blame Yourself?”

Woman: “NO!!!”

Psychiatrist: “That’s why you need a husband.”


And because it’s back to school time …

What did the math book say to the calculator on their first day of school?

“You can count on me to solve your problems!”

Did you hear about the leprechaun who got to skip preschool and go straight to kindergarten after his first day back at school.

Turns out he already knew his elf-a-bet!

Why did the ruler feel lonely on the first day of school?

It had no one to measure up to!

Why are plants always prepared for math class on their first day of school?

Because they have their square roots down!

Why did the backpack feel relieved on the first day of school?

It finally had a shoulder to lean on!

What did the geometry teacher say to the circle and the square on the first day of school?

“Let’s get this class in shape!”

Why did the computer teacher feel energised on the first day of school?

She was ready to byte out of a new year of teaching technology!

Our range of Christmas cards for 2024 are now available to order

Cards that reflect the true meaning of Christmas inspired by Gospel passages.

Past Collections

Jokes 3/03

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