
After a round of golf, a man walked into the clubhouse and noticed his friend sitting in a corner wearing a neck brace and brooding over his beer. He sat down and asked his mate what happened.


“Well, I was playing golf and I hit my ball into the rough,” replied his friend with a grimace. “Then I met a lady who was looking for her ball too. Finding mine, I thought I’d give her a hand. There was a cow nearby and I noticed that every time the cow twitched its tail there was a flash of white. So, I went over to it and lifted its tail and sure enough there was the ball. I called out to the lady, ‘Excuse me, does this look like yours?’


And she hit me in the neck with her driver!”



What happens if Usain Bolt misses his bus?

He waits for it at the next stop.


If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you!


I asked my trainer at the gym if I could start shadow boxing.

He said, “Knock yourself out!”


How many tennis players does it take to change a light bulb?

None, because they all say, “What do you mean it was out, it was in!”



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Jokes 3/03

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