Letter to My Granddaughter

Letter to my Granddaughter

By Jan Richards

To my dearest granddaughter and your husband

I am over-joyed. I have just heard the wonderful news that you are having a baby. How exciting! You both must be so happy and be looking forward to welcoming this new life into your family unit.

Babies are a gift from God, and I thank God too for your gift of fertility. This is a blessing and you can now embark on this new phase of your life. Bringing many joys, lifestyle changes, challenges, tiredness, being overwhelmed, a new workload and down days. But nothing will outweigh the happiness and fun you will receive.

You know how much importance I place onto motherhood and the joy this little baby will bring to your life and others’ lives is beyond expectations.

You will discover your own style of mothering but remember there will be plenty of family support if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed. Particularly in this large extended family you are part of, who are all baby mad.

I hope and pray you stay well, bring forth a strong, healthy and happy baby. Enjoy your little baby my love and I encourage you “don’t go back to work too quickly” – no-one can love, nurture and enjoy this little baby like you can and once that time has passed you can never get it back. I have seen the proof of this time and time again.

I remember years ago a friend prayed over me and he felt the Lord was saying, ‘you will be blessed, your children and grandchildren into the third and fourth generation.’ This filled me with joy. Now these words of scripture are coming to fruition. I am so grateful.

And so a new generation begins in our family tree – you are a main player in this – Pa and I love you both, are proud of you, pray for you and send many blessings.

Your loving Granny.

“And the circle of life continues.”

Jan Richards is a mother of six children and grandmother of 25. Her story is in the first issue of the Becoming Parents A Spiritual Journey magazine. Becoming Parents includes articles, prayers and meditations to help expectant couples spiritually connect with their unborn child. The four issues are available for $20 at: www.becomingparents.org.au

You can listen to the first three episodes our new family counseling podcast series of Figuring out Families!

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