Vale Steven Barnes

In January 2020 our colleague Steven tragically passed away. He was only 23 years old.

Majellan Media in Brighton was shocked by the sudden passing of our digital marketing and media officer, Steven Barnes, in early January.

Steven only joined Majellan Media in mid-October, but proved to be a wonderful asset and friend to us all. His tragic passing has been felt deeply by all at Majellan Media. As we are only a small team, we feel like we have lost a family member.

While Steven, 23, was only with us for a short time, he left a lasting and indelible impact and will be sadly missed. Steven will especially be remembered for his strong work ethic and wonderful sense of humour.

Testament to the esteem in which he was held by friends and loved ones, many attended the funeral at St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Melton South on January 21. The church was adorned with yellow, Steven’s favourite colour. Fr Fabian Smith and Fr Bill Goldman, a Redemptorist priest, celebrated the Mass.

We would like to extend our prayers, thoughts and love to his parents, Tony and Irene, their extended family, and all his friends.

Kindly remember Steven, his family and the staff at Majellan in your prayers. 

Image: Steven photographed in the back yard of Majellan House just before Christmas.