22 July 2024

Generosity of Spirit

Gospel Gazing Exploring the profound meanings behind seemingly perplexing gospel passages. In this episode, Fr David Hore CSsR explores the broader theme of readiness. This conversation is sure to help you gain a richer understanding this sometimes misunderstood Gospel passage. Transcript: Welcome to Gospel Gazing, where Redemptorist Priest David Hoare gives his take on gospel

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The victorious cross -Gospel Reflection

St Jerome said: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” On the back cover of my Bible, this famous line is printed beneath an image of the fourth-century hermit-saint in his study. Scriptures in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin are open on desks behind him. He seems to be taking a break from his translation project to pull the thorn out of the lion’s paw.

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Jokes 24/07

Jokes The 95-year-old woman at the nursing home received a visit from her local parish priest. “How are you feeling?” the priest asked. “Oh,” said the woman, “I’m just worried sick!” “What on earth are you worried about, dear?” the priest asked. “You look like you’re in good health. You are being well looked after,

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