
Jokes 18/12

Jokes Why wait until Christmas Day for the corny jokes in the crackers?  Let’s start now. Merry Christmas!   How is Christmas exactly like your job? You do all the work and some fat guy in a suit gets all the credit.   How do you know when Santa’s around? You can always sense his presents.   […]

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Jesus was no wowser

I was once surprised to hear one of my students describe Jesus as a “wowser” and Christianity as the world’s foremost proponent of “wowserism”. While I might be able to understand why a young person might express the latter sentiment (albeit unjustly), I find it difficult to see how anyone could accuse Jesus of being a “wowser”.

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Preparing a way for the Lord-Gospel Reflection

At the year’s end, God comes – Christ is coming – as a baby at Christmas, coming into the dailiness of our lives, and at the end of time. It may seem odd at the beginning of Advent to hear Jesus speak of the second coming, but when Jesus says we’re to watch and stay awake, he doesn’t say it to play on our fears. Instead, he calls us to be alert to the signs of God’s presence in our lives, encouraging us to have faith in God who is present in the person with whom we are talking, and in the smallest act, though we may only come to understand this sometime later.

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Jokes 04/12

Jokes A woman walks into a bar and sees a really cute bloke sitting at the counter. She goes over and asks him what he is drinking. “Magic Beer,” he says. She thinks he’s a little crazy, so she walks around the bar, but after noticing that there is no one else worth talking to,

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