
Happy snaps

Dom and Carmel Sorbara sent in a photo of six of their 16 grandchildren. Pictured (from L to R) are Melina, Luca, Lydia, Violet, Gia and Tomi. The Sorbara’s have been receiving The Majellan since around 1968, a year after they were married. Thank you for sending us this delightful photo and every blessing to your family.

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Life does not always turn out the way we would like. There are the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows, and the missteps that play out in our lives. No one is immune from the pain of loss, whether it be the death of a spouse, grandparent, parent, sibling or child.

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Our hero teachers

Completing all my schooling in a small country town many years ago, I still have fond memories of my Year 6 teacher, Mr Moore. He was responsible for nurturing my love of writing and encouraging me to strive to achieve my best on the sporting field. It would be fair to say his positive influence set me on my path in life.

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Thanks for the memories

It will be the end of an era in May next year when Majellan House in Brighton passes from the Redemptorist community to its new owner.

For many young people it may seem that the upsurge of artificial intelligence (AI) has been an overnight sensation. In recent years we’ve seen the rise of AI-powered Chatbot and digital operating systems such as Alexa and Siri. They can write essays, create images, and allow people to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person.

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